Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tagged by Daryl.

1) Do you think you are hot?
- no way!
2) Upload a favourite picture of your self.

3) Do you lyk the picture?
- I think so?
4) When is the last time you ate pizza?
- Months.

5) The last song you listen to ?

- Shontelle - Tshirt

6) What are you doing right now besides this?
- Chatting with my boo's BOYFRIEND. Which claims that he's my owner *grr
7) What name you prefer besides your name?
- NOTHING. i like it just the way it is =D

5 people to tagged:

1) Ponden!
2) Eileen
3) Marianne
4) Zhigie
5) Sheng

8) Who is number 1? - Priyanka

- A.k.a Ponden!

9) Number 3 is having a relation ship with? - Marianne

- Err, Joe Jonas? I dont know xD

10) Say something about number 5 - Sheng

- My boring partner =D

11) How about number 4? - Zhigie

- A friend?

12) Who is number 2? - Eileen

- Hot guy partner xD

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