Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I had an infection on my elbow, and it's called Joint Infection.
Trust me, it HURTS!

Halfday in school, was feeling not so well,
So had to go call my parents.
Priyanka accompanied me =) *thankyou

Then after that, my dad came.
He brought me to the Doctor's,
Then the doctor said I had fever caused by the infection.
So he said I needed a jab to inject the antibiotics in.

Guess where was it?

On my ass!
It really really hurt =(
After it, he gave me antibiotics as medication and a MC for tomorrow.
How sad..
I can't go to school.

And most of all, I have to go back there 0n monday,
if the infection doesn't heal.
I don't know what he's gonna do to me!!! *screams

SomePerson =( *ouch

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